Want to be extra special generous this year? Help put a smile on these kiddies’ faces. i used to be so anti-holidays. it seemed (and still seems) so terrible to me that so many children suffer needlessly this time of year because of the unnecessary capitalist interpretation and societal expectations of this holiday. what would it be like if our culture redefined the meaning of it to something slightly different than ‘spend money if you love someone’? what other kinds of gifts can we give? We have so many to give each other, truly. Our gifts are worth so much more than the store bought ones.( Post-script: since my abhorration of this holiday, i’ve come to love the meaning for the solstice/yule that i’ve created, and i indulge in its resplendent benevolence.) maybe we can all give a little bit and acknowledge and support those who are left out of this cultural phenomenon (which still boggles me that we live in a culture where we get LEFT OUT of a holiday if we don’t have money). include these kids into our cultural phenomenon and give a gift. #philadelphia #sharethelove